Mucous cyst

Mucous Cyst Surgery

A mucous cyst is a small, fluid-filled sac that can develop on the hand or finger. It is typically painless, but it can be unsightly and can interfere with movement. It is connected to the underlying joint of the finger and as such is unlikely to resolve on its own until the connection with the joint is severed.

Who is a good candidate for mucous cyst surgery?

Mucous cyst surgery is a good option for individuals who have persistent mucous cysts that cause discomfort, interfere with activities or constantly leak fluid and get infected. 

What are the risks of mucous cyst surgery?

The risks of mucous cyst surgery are:

  • Infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Scarring
  • Recurrence of the mucous cyst

What happens during mucous cyst surgery?

Mucous cyst surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision over the mucous cyst and removes it. The incision is then stitched closed. In certain cases, you may need a small skin flap from the back of your finger to cover the raw area left by removal of the mucous cyst.

How long does mucous cyst surgery take?

Mucous cyst surgery typically takes 30-60 minutes and you can go home on the same day after surgery.

What is the recovery time for mucous cyst surgery?

The recovery time for mucous cyst surgery is typically 1-2 weeks. You will need to wear a bandage or dressing over the incision for 1 week. You will also need to avoid strenuous activity for 1-2 weeks.

What are the results of mucous cyst surgery?

Mucous cyst surgery is usually very successful in removing the mucous cyst and relieving symptoms. However, there is a risk of recurrence of the mucous cyst.

Here are some additional tips for patients considering mucous cyst surgery:

  • Be realistic about your expectations. Mucous cyst surgery cannot completely change the appearance of your hand.
  • Choose a board-certified hand surgeon with experience in mucous cyst surgery.
  • Ask your surgeon about their aftercare plan.
  • Be prepared for a lengthy recovery period.
  • Be patient with your results. It can take up to a year for your hand to fully heal.

Here are some frequently asked questions about mucous cyst surgery:

  • Do I need a skin flap following mucous cyst removal? In certain cases, a small skin flap may be required to cover the skin defect left by mucous cyst removal. This is not common. Mr Jabir will let you know during consultation if this is the case.

NHS Practice 

Lister Hospital, Coreys Mill Lane, Stevenage, SG1 4AB

Private practice

Centre for Surgery, 95-97 Baker Street, London W1U 6RN