Dr Shehab Jabir

Revealing the Beauty of Upper Blepharoplasty: Your Guide to Recovery

Sep 24, 2023 | Blepharoplasty


Upper blepharoplasty, a transformative eyelid surgery, can work wonders in revitalizing your appearance. If you’re considering this procedure, you might be curious about what happens after the surgery. Specifically, how long is the recovery time? In this blog post, we will explore the recovery process for upper blepharoplasty surgery, providing you with a comprehensive guide to ensure a smooth and successful recuperation. Dr. Shehab Jabir, a renowned expert in cosmetic surgery, is here to support you on your journey to refreshed, rejuvenated eyelids.

Immediate Post-Surgery

Immediately after your upper blepharoplasty surgery, you will spend some time in the recovery area under observation. This period allows medical professionals to ensure that you are stable and recovering well from the anesthesia.

Returning Home

Once you are cleared by your surgeon, you will be allowed to return home the same day as the surgery. It’s crucial to arrange for someone to drive you, as you will not be in a condition to do so.

Initial Recovery Days (1-2 Weeks)

The initial recovery phase following upper blepharoplasty typically lasts around one to two weeks, during which you should expect the following:

  1. Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising around the eyelids are entirely normal. You can minimize these effects by applying cold compresses as recommended by your surgeon.
  2. Pain and Discomfort: You may experience mild pain and discomfort during the first few days. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to help manage this.
  3. Suture Removal: If non-dissolvable sutures were used, they will be removed within the first week.
  4. Limitations on Activities: It’s essential to avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and bending during the initial recovery phase. Rest and relaxation are key.
  5. Eye Drops and Ointment: Your surgeon may prescribe eye drops or ointment to keep your eyes moist and comfortable.

Week 2-4

As you progress through the second to fourth weeks of recovery, you’ll likely notice improvements in swelling and bruising. By this time:

  1. Return to Work: Many patients feel comfortable returning to work and resuming light activities after the second week, although this varies from person to person.
  2. Scar Management: Your surgeon may provide instructions for scar care, which often involves applying ointments or creams to aid in scar healing.
  3. Eye Makeup: You can gradually reintroduce eye makeup but should do so gently to avoid irritating the incision areas.

Long-Term Recovery (Months)

The final results of your upper blepharoplasty surgery may take several months to fully manifest. During this time:

  1. Scar Maturation: Scars will continue to fade and mature over the course of several months.
  2. Final Results: By the third to sixth month, you should see the final, refreshed appearance of your upper eyelids.


Upper blepharoplasty is a remarkable procedure for rejuvenating your eyes and enhancing your overall appearance. The recovery process is a crucial part of your journey towards achieving the desired results. Dr. Shehab Jabir’s expertise and guidance will be invaluable throughout your recovery, ensuring that you heal well and achieve the youthful, revitalized look you desire. Remember to follow your surgeon’s instructions diligently, prioritize self-care, and be patient as you embark on this transformative experience. Your beautiful, refreshed eyes await you.

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